Dear Parent/Carer,
With the GCSE exams well underway, I am writing to update you about when students are expected to be in school. As you will see below, all students need to be in school each day for the next 2 weeks, although there are early finishes for some students from Monday 12 June.
Week Commencing Monday 5 June:
All students need to be in school as usual from 8.30am until 3.15pm
Week Commencing Monday 12 June:
Week Commencing Monday 19 June:
Week Commencing Monday 26 June:
The academy is putting all students in Year 11 through the European Computer Driving License (ECDL). The ECDL is recognised as a high value ICT qualification by employers and apprenticeship providers which is worth the equivalent of a GCSE and involves students practicing and then being examined on four separate units.
The year group is split into three groups:
Group A: These students have completed some of the qualification and are scheduled to complete it on Thursday 15 June. If the qualification is not completed on this day students will need to complete it on Monday 19 June.
Group B: These are students who have studied ICT but who have not yet completed the ECDL
Group C: These are students who have not studied ICT and have not yet completed ECDL
Students in Group B and C are required in school on Monday 19 June, Tuesday 20 June and Thursday 22 June.
Whilst it will be made clear to students which group they are in, and when they are required in school, I will be writing a personalised letter to you containing this information later this week.
Many thanks for your continued support,
Yours faithfully
Joan Kearton
Director of Learning, Year 11