Dear Parent/carer,
Following the Christmas break, our year 9 students will sit their internal assessments during the week commencing, 9th January 2023.
All assessments will take place in classrooms and will be completed during their normal lesson times. The assessments will take place in all academic subjects except for English, Maths and Science. Assessments in these subjects will take place later in the year, during the week commencing 12th June 2023.
To help students prepare, the following table contains information on the content of the assessments, and some advice on how students can revise:
The outcome of these internal assessments will help to inform your child’s subject option choices, so it is important that your child fully prepares for these assessments both at school and at home. As ever, full attendance to school is vitally important to avoid gaps in learning. Guidance and revision tasks for these assessments will be given by subject teachers and placed on Firefly, giving students the best opportunity to plan and prepare accordingly.
Please do reiterate the importance of preparing for these assessments with your child, in order for them to be able to reach their academic potential and ‘Be the Best They Can Be’.
Here are some key dates for your diary following the internal assessments:
01/03/23 Progress Evening (a band)
08/03/23 Progress Evening (b band)
22/03/23 Options Evening
If you do have any queries or questions about these forthcoming assessments the year group team.
Yours sincerely,
Miss. A Horsburgh
Director of Learning (Year 9)