Dear Parents/Carers
As a school we have a responsibility to plan for and practice our emergency response. We completed a practice earlier in the year and we are writing to you as parents/carers as we are planning to complete another drill before the end of term. We hope that we will never need to trigger this plan, but it is vital that everyone in school knows how to keep themselves safe, should this be necessary.
Students will be prepared in form time, so they are fluent in the actions they need to take during this practice response. We would be grateful if parents/carers could also discuss this at home so that students know that this is a routine practice and not something that they need to be concerned about.
The safety and wellbeing of our students will always be our main priority and by ensuring that students are confident with actions that need to be taken in the event of an emergency feeds into this.
Many Thanks,
Katie Kinrade
Assistant Headteacher