Dear Parents/Carers,
Re: Importance of Attendance & Last Day of Term Arrangements
With only two school days remaining in 2024, I kindly ask for your support in ensuring your child attends school every day until the end of term at 3:05pm on Friday, 20th December.
At Workington Academy, we take pride in promoting high attendance to help students achieve the best possible outcomes. Our well-planned, effective curriculum ensures every lesson adds value, and even a single missed lesson can impact progress significantly. Each day of absence, including the final day before holidays, equates to 5 hours of missed learning.
To celebrate the end of the Autumn Term, we have organised a range of events for Years 7–11 students to enjoy on Friday 20 December:
- Years 7–9: Benchball/Dodgeball tournaments, Just Dance Party & Year Group Reward Assemblies.
- Years 10–11: Conservatory and Outdoor Party with music, karaoke, hot chocolates and festive treats.
- All Year Groups: Festive Reward Points Auctions, End-of-Year Christmas Quiz, Christmas Photo Booth fun.
Dress Code for Friday, 20th December:
- Years 7–9: PE kit and optional Christmas jumper.
- Years 10–11: School uniform with the option to wear a Christmas jumper (no PE kit required).
These activities will take place after Periods 1 and 2, and all morning lessons will follow our normal curriculum to ensure vital learning continues.
Please note that our usual attendance, contact, and home visit procedures will remain in place. Your child’s attendance until the final day is crucial for their education and preparation for upcoming assessments.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely,
Mr M Bedford