The Future is Bright Window Design Competition Results
There were lots of amazing entries and creative designs submitted which made the judging of this competition incredibly hard.
There were lots of amazing entries and creative designs submitted which made the judging of this competition incredibly hard.
We are challenging all of our CET students and staff to get active and to complete a mile on Friday, 10 July in the most creative way possible.
Can you take on our CET General Knowledge Kahoot Quiz and be crowned our CET Summer Quiz Champion 2020?
We are inviting all Cumbria Education Trust students to create a window display or a design in your window that represents ‘Hope’ and ‘The Future’.
I wanted to get in touch at the end of what has been a tumultuous week within our communities.
Students representing all 7 schools in the Cumbria Education Trust (CET) participated in the inaugural collaborative School Council meeting.
Almost 500 Year 11 students from across Cumbria Education Trust’s (CET’s) secondary schools and academies were brought together for the trust’s first ever Year 11 Revision Conference in preparation for the summer 2019 exams.